Category Archives: shiro-nuri

StreetGyaru Fashion

StreetGyaru – Miss M I Am




I ♥♥♥ To be… “not in my 20s” and still buy a crazy pink delicious wig!
If you feel the same, check out this site which is a pretty good price if you ask me and its fast AND when you get it you just smile, and when you try it on you just keep on smiling (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I also love what you can do with makeup! This crazy/lovely work is done by MakeUpStore.
If you have it near where you live, give away or go and get yourself a makeuptreat. For about 60£ you get someone that shows you how to put on a party or “normal” makeup and for that money you also get to buy makeup for it all!!*\(^o^)/*

I just had a photoshoot for a magazine
and Im excited of the results(^_^)☆