Category Archives: wonton

How to.. (Wonton)

It’s Monday 月曜日
and what is better then to make some Wonton!

This is a Chinese cuisine and here is My how to do:

1) Wonton Pastry

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(You can buy this at the supermarket)
Small sqared Pastry pieces, so easy!

2) Filling/ stuffing

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(250g minced chicken, 1 big piece of garlic, a pinch of ginger, 2 tablespoon oyster sause, 2 teaspoon lemonpeel, pinch of red chili, 1 sallad leak, koriander, salt and pepper. Shop and much it all together)

3) Toppings

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(Fine shopped sallad leak, sesame seeds, paprika, oyster sause)

4) Dress your Wonton

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(Put your wonton on a clean cuttingboard or clean space. Put 1 teaspoon of minced chickenfilling in the center. Not more bcos then it will break.
Put some topping on of your taste.)

5) Fold your Wonton

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(This can be done in many ways but I rekommend this!)

6) Steam it!!

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(Get a steamer and you are good to go! Delicious an fun to make! I use noodles to get it more like a dish but you kan east it just as it is or in a soup.)

A great place in Sweden is Mormors Dumplings in Stockholm! Enjoy*\(^o^)/*

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